Sunday, September 14, 2014

Who is Pegawai Kerajaan Kumpulan Pengurusan dan Profesional (Kumpulan A)? Siapa

To be roughly identified who are classified in Pegawai Kerajaan Kumpulan Pengurusan dan Profesional:
1. His job title normally comes with Pegawai, e.g. Pegawai Daerah, Pegawai Sains, Pegawai Tadbir dan Diplomatik (PTD), Pegawai Teknologi Maklumat etc.; or
2. He is a professional and work in government sector, e.g. accountant, engineer, doctor, police, soldier etc (not assistant).; or
3. He is head of the school/department, e.g. Pengetua, Guru Besar, Ketua Jabatan, Pengarah, etc.
3. His Grade must be or above 41 (normally at least a degree holder), 

Lecturer (DS45 and above)
Pegawai Teknologi Maklumat (F41)

Sekolah Menengah:
Pengetua (DG 48) 
Penolong kanan pentadbiran dan akademik (DG44) 
Penolong kanan hal ehwal murid (DG44) 
Penolong kanan kokurikulum (DG41)
Ketua Bidang (DG 44)


Whereas, in Sekolah rendah
Guru Besar (DGA 31)
Guru Penolong Kanan (DGA 29)

Therefore whenever, there is a need to find Kumpulan Pengurusan dan Profesional (Gred A) to certify a document, you need to find those listed above, whereas for Guru Besar, unless it is mentioned (like in PTPTN), they are not in Gred A to be exact (technically).
Hope this clear your mind, why sometimes people questioned about Guru Penolong Kanan sekolah rendah (to be exact) is not qualified to certify your documents. 
To play safe (for your JPA application), just find your Pengetua in your respective residential college, he/she is more than qualified to certify your documents.  



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