Sunday, July 18, 2010


There's a number of friends clicked "likes" in my facebook status.

I appreciate everyone's response. =)
You aren't too late to click "likes". XP

Ah. I've to repeat again. There's actually lots things I need to do, but I skip all of them. 
  1. Paint background of the banner (for Mersing purpose) -this's a work-base job. And I skipped it again because come back to Muar. I wonder they will help to paint for me or not. If no? I don't know the consequence.
  2. Assignment -before back to Muar, my class is actually..not yet finish. And I sneaked out. Cyfu no longer with us because he's busy, and replace by another younger guy (I couldnt remember his name). And I think this lecturer is another knotty problem I've to deal with. (younger people is such in high spirit, no tolerance, ah blah3!)..and I left my uncompleted assignment in UTM, senior going back at 4.30pm today. When I reach there already night time. My group member reminded me that he hinted us to do again. Hey, wtf. (He created the word: REDO!!)
  3. Stationery -thanks for Neo fetched me out last night (though she might not free to read this at all), I bought some but Econsave doesnt sell sketch book. That's mean I've to go out again. And what the hell my brother is, fucking not free with his St. John things (I'm blaming he doesnt love me!). Consequence: I don't have car to drive.
  4. PTPTN stuffs that I dare not to ask Pa go to find penghulu sign for me. (but JPA claimed that they not yet receive our letters,wtf!)
I don't know why Architecture student is sooooo busy, and why I choose such torturing course. Of course compared to UM, mine is better. (looking at other friends who are so free)

Aivi: Buat ape tengok gua??!
XC: Panggil Ai reen changes course leh! (knowing that this's impossible)

This is the path I chose. Architecture? At least don't need to study Bio that I wonder I need to study that (about cell etc, why I need this in my life?), or chemistry (I don't want to be chemist or whatever shit that related to chemicals, why I study this too? Am I going to make a bomb in my house? ←perhaps!).

  1. We learn to take pictures. (my favourite what)
  2. Keep on drawing (you rather prefer this than study what)
  3. Computer (I'm so great that I know some basics of computer←used to face computer screen since small)

PTPTN sign?
Hahaha, the three signature stated that Tandatangan pelajar, penjamin 1 and penjamin2. But all done by DIY. (Do it myself!) LOL~

Hey, I hate you!!


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