Thursday, September 16, 2010

Archi Stuffs


Difference Between Civil engineering and Architecture

1. Architecture is more into the creativity of designs.
Civil engineering focus on innovation to realize that design.

2. Architecture involves the design of structures with the focus on aesthetics and functionality.
Civil Engineers will rather deliberate and plan the methodology to construct the design.

3. Architecture initiates the project through architects’ drafts. Civil engineering involves studying drafts and examining the practicality of the design; civil engineers ensure that the design can withstand normal and extreme loading conditions.

4. Architects will need engineers help to make their designs work. Civil engineers will be guided by the architects’ outlines and dimensions.

Read more: Difference Between Civil engineering and Architecture | Difference Between 

Anywhere, this's a cool website showing that Difference Between

I've a senior studying Civil Engineering in UKM. She went thru UTM architecture interview but failed. *sighed* If I can study with friends jiu good liao lol.

Mmm. I hope I'll have juniors come from Muar. =)

What Is ETFE?
By Jackie Craven, Guide

ETFE stands for Ethylene Tetrafluoroethylene, a transparent polymer that is used instead of glass and plastic in some modern buildings. Compared to glass, ETFE:

Transmits more light
Insulates better
Costs 24% to 70% less to install
Is only 1/100 the weight of glass
ETFE is often called a miracle construction material because:
ETFE is strong enough to bear 400 times its own weight
ETFE can be stretched to three times its length without loss of elasticity
ETFE can be repaired by welding patches over tears
ETFE has a nonstick surface that resists dirt
ETFE is expected to last as long as 50 years
ETFE does have disadvantages, however.
ETFE transmits more sound than glass, and can be too noisy for some places
ETFE is usually applied in several layers that must be inflated and require steady air pressure
Working with ETFE is too complex for small residential projects

Olympic stadium in Beijing

The new Olympic Stadium, "tissue" with a metal structure like a nest of weavers whose interstices are covered with pillows of ETFE. Or the giant "tent" over 100,000 m2 of Foster & Partners building in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, to house the Center Shatyry Khan.

It was originally designed (about'70 when DuPont invented a fluoro-carbon polymer to be used as insulation in the aerospace industry) to meet the needs of a highly corrosion resistant and high strength under conditions of variations very large thermal. DuPont does not, initially, to introduce in the construction industry and was the German mechanical engineer Stefan Lehnert, who, while investigating new technologies for use in sailing, visualized its potential as a material for architecture, especially its transparency, self-cleaning and structural properties. In 1982, Stefan Lehnert, Vector Foiltec founded in Bremen and his first work using ETFE was the flag of a zoo in Arnhem, Holland. Since then, the ETFE has become an increasingly popular material, not without the influence of fashion, especially among European architects and has been seen used in atriums of office buildings, some buildings in educational, clinical rooms exhibitions and zoos in United Kingdom and Germany.




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