Thursday, September 16, 2010

Structure Assignments

Individual assignment

Structure as Form Generator

The term stucture as  form generator describes a relationship between structure and architecture. It is a structural requirement that influences the form of buildings even though the structure itself is not necessarily exposed.Since the development of structural technologies and the aid of computer design softwares,it has been possible to design buildings with extra uniqueness and imaginations. This assignment will allow students to venture into differents types of building stuctures available.


  1. To aknowledge basic principle of building structures
  2. To distinguish between Architectural and Engineering structures
  3. To instill interest in designing building with alternative structures.


  1. Case study of 5 different types of unique structures
  2. Description of the buildings
  3. Describe the structural concept of the selected structures
  4. State your references

            Front cover
            Introduction of assignment
            Case studies


Author, year, title, web address, date of citation
No copy from your friends
Submission requirements
            A4 size report (hard & soft copy)
            30th Sept 2010


Group Assignment

A group 4 or 5 members
Choose one unique structure
Make a model
Use appropriate Scale
Free choice of materials
Submission requirements
            4th Nov 2010



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