Friday, September 03, 2010

2nd Project: 3D models &Craps



  1. 部份一 2D Paper Relief Sculptures
  2. 部份二 3D Model



Comment: He has a good idea. I felt threatened when saw his sketch. (Actually i was so worried because everyone has their good ideas! And that time I still lost, until yesterday, Cyfu saw my work and said this's fine already, don't need to add more things, barulah relax a bit). Kael tried to use polystrene (which is a quite-difficult-to-handle-material) in his 3D model. Er...that's all. (Dont you feel it's too empty? The furniture is abit weird?)


The one who challenges me for at least two times. He's son of lecturer (now is the head of Engineering (sort of, I ain't sure) ). He took 5subjects (Ah Lean said de). What I know is, he got 3A and 1A- in his stpm and he told SP (my chinese coursemate) STPM is a easy test.

The special thing is the balcony (I think non of us had made balcony)
This's cool. I think hers nice. Everything arranged in a right place. She scored, I bet.
Ct Atirah's
Another good idea. Cyfu did suggest her that, she can use 80s style. I forgot Cyfu asked her to google whose design already. Ohya, Kael's one is DECONSTRUCTIONISM. Cyfu said de. And he told Hasib that..Hasib can play with "cubes" geh. But Hasib's cubes not obvious. Right? Na na na. You see, everyone got their theme, only I don't have! (And finally, i found it myself. LOL)

My roommate's one.

Lin's one
Argh, this's fucking detailed. I aint sure i can be so patient or not. (Yes I can!) Fawaz (her lecturer) told her that if her Perspective Drawing more accurate, she could get A+! Cool right? Oh, I want my A+ too. Cyfu never tell us what grade we would get. 

That's all. I dint take much. Fawaz was lecturing with them during my photographic session. Miaoshi one you can see from Facebook ya.


The original base, but at last I changed my design. =)

Cut it, number it

Fix it and TALA! Not so easy geh!


This design cracked my head. I met tmd lots problems:
  1. The photo's size. The largest size of photo offered by Uni Shop just A3. And initially Cyfu said the photos must be
  2. The staircase was a burden. Ah, frankly, I dont know how to draw the perspective of the staircase. It took a looooooong time for me to draw this staircase out. (How long? some nights ==)
  3. The weird perspective point. Well, do you feel that my perspective is wrong? Argh. I've more than one fake perspective point. This's difficult to explain. *skipped*
  4. The flying Sofa. Weird, weird, weird again! 
  5. And more.
This stupid design made me always sleep after 4am. Sucks. My dark eyes circles larger than my eyes! And my rooommate slept earlier than me, only the day before submission. 

Conservation Model Making Workshop
This is a competition (sort of) held by Final Year students gua. And Year one + Year 3 must take part. 

We were doing Colonial house. Zizi is such a diligent guy!!

Guess what? We got Number 2!

Roommate's birthday

Hapiiii Birthday Cheng cheng from all
-wow, such a bad handwritting-
Just 12am gave her a secret recipe cake. So touching mie~

Use timer lah! Sia shuai, so ugly! Dou no place let me stand already. *Hate*

Part 2 coming soon (introduce my 3/5chinese coursemates)


Anonymous said...

like ur work vr much.damn nice.but the other woekbase so geng

XC said...

Anonymous> Siape Lu? The other workbase離題liao de! hahaha!

Unknown said...

i'm impressed with your work!!

XC said...

Gy>Super XC. LOL!!!!

ncmiao said...

damn...i like your work so much...i almost fall in "like" with your course.

XC said...

CM>if like this, click the facebook like button or share with your friends la. my blog almost toh already! Er, thanks, i bet you love my coursemates work too! My course is actually an interesting course, don't need to study but play with design. I think in the future i cant get a job. ==

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